Home 9 Classes we offer 9 Candlelit Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra

Candlelit Yin & Yoga Nidra – Warm

Yin yoga is a slow-paced class with various postures that are held for a longer period than other styles of yoga. Yin Yoga stretches and targets. both the deep connective tissues between the muscles, and the fascia throughout the body and will increase your flexibility. 

 Practicing Yin regularly will calm and balance your mind and body, while helping to reduce stress and anxiety. It will increase circulation and improve flexibility, release fascia and improve joint mobility. 

Finishing with a cosmic sleep…..Yoga Nidra, which literally means yogic sleep. It is an ancient technique where the practitioner enters the deep states of conscious relaxation. It brings us to a state of deep sleep where our senses, intellect, and mind relax.

This is a perfect way to wind down your day, unwind and relax in our beautiful scented candlelit room which will be around 24 degrees. 

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